Welcome to the T1Productions website. This is a site dedicated to all real T.I.s. The goal of this site is to use Art and talent to build a place of refuge for the people hunted like prey by the satanic empire. This site is not for people getting mixed up in stuff and bringing trouble down on their heads, but for people who are being tormented without reason, justification or cause...or for exercising their consciences and speaking out and standing up for the Most High, the true Christ,the vulernable and what is right and just. I don't revere a God of love, but a God of justice. Right now I'm going to do this on my works, but eventually I hope to get all talented T.I.s to park their works here. The purpose is for all real T.I.s to be able to make funds by making art(the Artists) and promoting our Artists.(the rest of us). Hopefully, from there, on to other types of business ventures. I'm working on a "faq" to go into more detail so check for that. This site is far from finished. Only another real T.I. will know the kind of obstacles these satanic fags put in your path just to keep you from accomplishing the smallest thing you set out to do. They are so superior to everybody yet they have to move their whole empire against one person, who thinks for themselves and has some talent and ability to make it on their own. Even when they tilt the playing field 45 degrees they still have to watch you like a hawk,and interfere with you 24/7. I don't know if this site is going to be left alone, or even allowed to stay up. This host is the only one out of all I've tried to let me get this far without sabotaging or taking down the site. To be honest, I don't really know if it's the webhosts or the fag government doing what they do with everything from my email accounts to my mailbox offline...just monitoring and micro-managing.I'm 64 years old yall. Never committed a crime in my life. Never threatened the government or anybody else. Don't care about tearing down or subverting the fag government in any way, shape or form. That's the higher powers battle, not mine. Don't belong to any organizations, and if I did, all I'm interested in is getting out from among these reptiles like the true Christ told us, not try change things, take over, or be some big shot and be accepted by nothing in this place that kidnaps, and murders children and babies in the millions every year. And that's why they hate me so much. I never stop talking and writing about it. If this site goes down, yall have to know I'll keep trying but once again it'll be a setback.
Don't forget...this album is a soundtrack for a Novel of the same name.