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Jan 13
Today, they blocked me from using my Social Security funds. I have over a thousand dollars in that account, and tonight I'm sitting here with no food. They disabled the chip so I couldn't use the card at an ATM or grocery store, but I could still buy food and things online. Then, today, they not only blocked online purchases but also stores like H-E-B, where I had already been using the card online, suddenly wouldn't take my card. They declined my card everywhere.

When they first restricted the card, it was because they didn't want me to buy gas. I could buy all the food and anything I wanted online but not gas.
They refused to let me buy gas by any means. They declined Google Pay, PayPal, all the major gas cards, and Google Wallet. I couldn't even buy a gift card online or offline because I could have used it to get gas. They didn't want me to have gas in my car because it apparently bothered them that I got a car, which was a major improvement from walking everywhere and riding buses where they could harass me every day. In fact, the metro system is so messed up that I escaped their harassment. They stalk me everywhere I go in those blue and red cars, just like the police. I could be nowhere near a metro station, and no matter what side of town I'm on, they show up. They were doing sstuff on them buses I'm not going to talk about because you got to be one hundred with the proof even though I know what they did. I've made videos about some of that I will post soon.

I somehow managed to get lucky and buy a Shell e-gift card. I couldn't do it now, but when I was still allowed to buy things online, I found a loophole. I spent half of what I had on the card, and when I went back to use the remaining balance, the card wouldn't work. So, I ran out of gas. The reason I ran out is because I went to two different Shell stations listed on the Shell website, and there was no Shell station at either address. Believe it or not, they track you in real-time when you're on the web. I've been phished with fake sites many times, just so they can hurt or obstruct me. They don't want me to have gas in my car for the same reason they spent literally three years in Toledo, Ohio, trying to starve and freeze me to death. The cops would literally stake out the trash dumpster, which is how I ate and survived. The federal agents had those store managers guard the dumpster in a five-mile radius like it was gold. Managers would come out and attack you, and then they would all put locks on the dumpsters. I mainly survived on Little Caesars pizza and food from Save a Lot. The only stores that would let me dumpster dive were those two. I've lost a lot of videos, but I still have a lot documented about this stuff, which goes back years.

They didn't want me to have gas in the car because I could get some warmth and be able to move around, which makes it harder for them to set me up.
When I went to that second Shell station listed on their site, I was practically out of gas. Luckily, I was parked in front of a Black man's house. I asked him about the Shell station and told him my phone's GPS said I was there. He told me I had the right address, but the Shell station was only in the planning stages. They were going to build one someday. The first address they had listed was at a cell phone store - no Shell station in sight. The Black man generously gave me ten dollars, and I was able to get gas at an Exxon up the road. That's how I escaped that trap.
I also managed to get the rest of my money off the Shell card so I can keep my appointment to get my driver's license tomorrow.
I'm still going to end up running out of gas and food because it's going to take a while for the driver's license to come in the mail.

These are the latest events in my life as a Targeted Individual.
I'm going to document the hell I've been through for almost 20 years, starting with the most recent events. This means there will be posts before this one and posts going back in time.

I'm going to attached some kind of receipt to everything I post... be it docs or video. I've attached a screenshot to show what I got in the account and I cant touch it to buy a bag of potato chips. 
But you don't have to be a T.I. for the Satanic Empire to do this kind of thing to; just poor and voiceless.

I want Yall to Google "Direct Express complaints and reviews". They are literally murdering our most vulernable with the same cruelty they do our children and unborn

Read those stories and remember theses are the Elderly, the disabled, the poorest. Their income is supposed to be 100 percent dependable and unf--ked with.

What that institution does with people's funds is done with impunity, glee and full knowledge of the government. 


[Image: ACg8ocKo-O2xHCYcrPxr05gStDqrJZHqY48pwuGV...Q=s64-c-mo]

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They finally seemed to take the block off my card yesterday. 

I've was able to order food online at a Randalls grocery store two days ago. I didn't get much because I thought it would be a waste of time to shop. I was just testing. But about 30 dollars worth of food went through.

Today I decided to stock up a little bit so I wouldn't have to worry about them blocking every other day.

Like a fool, I decided to go through Walmart because it was the only store besides Amazon that had a product I needed. I figured since I was going to get that, I might as well go ahead and get some things at Walmart for the last time.

I know Walmart is going to run ops on me but since this was online and I wasnt going inside the store, I tried it. I hadn't been in a Walmart in months and wasn't planning to. But kroger and  h-e-b are doing the same thing. They are not going to sell to me. For no reason h-e-b blocked me from using the card I already had on file. Kroger has been long running ops with them fag security guards. 

Walmart got my card blocked again for possibly up to ten days. The government and all the big business and the military is the same thing. That's what I'm dealing with and always have been.

At first the order went through. Then about an half hour later I get an email saying the order was cancelled for unknown reasons. I just used the card two days ago, at the Randalls. I got over a grand in the account. I Ordered about a hundred dollars worth of products. I later tried to get the supplies from the dollar tree and the card is declined. This is the kind thing that their system will use as an excuse to block your card for suspicion of fraud. Because you made two big similar orders in a row. But the only reason you did that is because they blocked the first time and you are trying to eat. That's why Walmart did what they did. They also put suspicion on my order by quadripling a product that I only ordered once. They have so many tricks.

I'll attach the receipts to this post. At this point, I would just leave the SS alone and let them stick it up their fag ass. I always knew they were going to do this. I'm kind of surprised I got the SS in the first place. I guess it was just to get you depended on it. So they can jerk you and your life around like a puppet on a string.
I haven't even had the SS for two years but I saved and got a car despite the fact that every month they are doing shit to take as much of it away from you as they blocking me from getting gas so I have to spend a hundred and fifty dollars on road side service to bring me gas enough to move around the mall. I can't really drive anywhere.
Yeah, they will let something like that go through, they just are going to manage the real necessities that you need to live because these fags take such pleasure in knowing that you're going without food or that you're stressed about how you're going to pay your rent or buy your medicine while they are blocking you from your funds for no reason.

A lot of people have committed suicide behind this, or ended up homeless or wrecked. You always hear about elderly people on social security committing suicide but that satanic media will never tell you why. You hear stories about the elderly eating dog food or cat food but you will never hear that these people have money that they worked for all their lives that they can't access because that government deliberately  allows the contractors they use to distribute the funds to steal or hold the people's money. They don't have any reason whatsoever, to block people's socal security money. If they cared so much about scammers defrauding you of it that they will block it just because you ordered too many things that don't fit your pattern; why do they defraud you of it and take it from you? What's the difference? People don't ask these fags to monitor their money like that. Nobody steals it anyway but them. Scammers are not putting a whole lot of effort into taking that little bit of scratch that most people on SS get. But the ones controlling your money so you have to constantly go around giving out your information to endless companies because they block you from the ones you use ...know why they do that. They don't care about protecting you from anything. If they did they would answer their phones. They decide on their own your funds need to be "protected" and then
block you from getting a dime while investigating something that never happened except them just trying to hurt people

Yall check out the attachments

I take a snapshot of my funds everyday.
 Yall see what I have in there? And note there's nothing saying my account has a problem. It's only when I call I'm told my account is restricted and only when I try to buy things I find out it's blocked.
The other two attachments shows how at first my order with Walmart went through but then the red flag came up although I've committed no crimes. The fags on me like this because of what that cop told me when they got me banned from the Kroger.
"Its not harassment they can refuse you just because they don't like you." The question is why don't they like you?" They don't know you. I been in that store 2 dozen times and never said a peep. Bought my stuff and left. But the more their opps don't phaze you, the more agitated and wild they get until they get what they want. They don't want you in no public place or walking on the earth. Yet at the same time they won't let you have two seconds alone anywhere, without some of them around you. And they move heaven and earth to block you from being able to support yourself separate from them.

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Mayne its cold as a witch's tit in Texas right now. 

Everywhere I've been over the last 14 years have seen some of coldest winters on record.

In 2009 0r 10, I'm not sure. When I first became homeless and was sleeping out side, it was theworse winter in a century in Virginia.

All three years I was in Toledo Ohio was record cold. 2022 was the last winter I spent in Toledo Ohio. One day the wind-chill got down -35
I survived that out side with no sleeping bag.

 Even Birminghan Alabama had a big snow storm the last winter I was there in 2014 0r 2015.

Texas is a beast right now and they still won't let me get gas with my own money. I can buy food and other stuff again, but I can't buy anything that I might be able
to use to buy gas, like gas cards and gift cards etc. They block all that. Can't use PayPal, Google pay, my card, shell card, Exxon card, virtual visa card,. Nothing.

Check out the attachment(receipts)

i survive

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.pdf   snow va.pdf (Size: 6.5 MB / Downloads: 0)
.pdf   Temperature swing_ How drastic is the upcoming cold spell_ _ (Size: 3.47 MB / Downloads: 0)
.pdf   Texas freeze_ Houston breaks cold weather record.pdf (Size: 1.85 MB / Downloads: 0)
I had to spend another $150.00 to get gas. Like I've said many times, all they want to do is take from you and keep you oppressed. No matter what I try, I can't get gas with my Social Security money because they decline everything I might be able to use to get it: e-gift cards, gas cards, places like Costco or Kroger that have gas. Yet, they don't decline it when I call roadside service and pay $150 to get ten gallons' worth of gas. I didn't even get ten gallons. The guy showed up with a five-gallon can only three-quarters full. He went and got another can, full this time, but I still only got about seven gallons. What can you do when you feel like you have a whole group of people who cause me harm constantly targeting you?
I can still buy things online except what I want. They're just micromanaging every single thing I can buy—including food. I can't buy food online from the stores I want, only from the ones they let me. Costco was declined; Dollar Tree was declined. I don't know who declined Walmart because it initially went through.
I have the store right next to me as my default, but Home Depot sent my order to another store miles away. Of course, that order went through because they knew I couldn't get it except by maybe spending even more on an Uber or something. The store I'm next to had at least 30 gas cans in-store on the shelf, but they wouldn't sell one to me. They said I had to go to the other store. I tried to order a can at the Target store, which I'm also close to. They showed a can in-store on their website, but then it disappeared from the page. I'm documenting this stuff for the record—how they phish you on the internet and try to gaslight you all the time.
I'm trying to document how petty it all is, how obsessive, and how much hatred, spite, and jealousy is involved when they target people. Also, how pervasive it is. It feels like this whole country is full of cruel people who know you and are all participating and taking delight in watching you suffer. But I know it's not everybody; it's that hive mind. It's a lot of them, but not everybody. The Latinos never stop gangstalking. I don't talk about it much because I know that's part of the agenda: to get you to rail against people because of what these Satanists do. I get a lot from Black women—mostly those in security uniforms—plus those secret society witches who drive the buses and work in government jobs like the library. A whole lot of opposition and hatred from them, but these people who cause me harm don't affect my mental state as they are so desperate to do, because I don't generalize. I don't get upset about anything or anybody who never bothered me. Besides, I know who is behind all these puppets.
I got Cash App and added $75, thinking I could use it to buy gas. I broke the phone I had the app on, so I installed it on a new phone, using the same login credentials: email and phone number. A transaction I made on the old phone was visible in the app on the new phone, but all the money was gone. Just like that. So, that's about $300 I've lost in one month due to what I call the "poor tax." Every single thing that non-rich people have to deal with ends up costing them money that wealthier people never lose.
Yesterday, seven new songs I created were stolen—again. They were R&b duets. I've been documenting for years how my music is consistently targeted. This time, they took a thumb drive from my locked car. How, I don't know, but man I don't park nowhere or go anywhere without being hounded. They was always in my tent and they always around my car. I wake up 4:o'clock in the morning in  an empty parking lot and I'm surrounded. Latinos always "working" and doing something around my car no matter where I park, the same as they were doing before I got a ride. Again...Im not saying anything about Latinos in general. I'm just telling my life with a few satanists of that hive mind.

I have no idea how they found the humbdrive, just as I have no explanation for how they found lyrics I wrote while living under a bridge in Tennessee. I hid those lyrics under a pile of junk; my makeshift shelter was also hidden by trees near the train tracks. Yet, they still found them.

I'm not overly concerned because I produce the lyrics online with Udio, so they already exist in a digital format, even though I often rearrange and change things in the final production. I own the lyrics. They steal my songs because they're obsessed with what I'm doing.
Here's a list of the stolen songs, which serves as a timestamp for this incident:
  • I Got the Heart
  • Happy Anniversary
  • We Wanted Love
  • The Vows We Made When We Were Young
  • Toes Down Heels Up
  • Heart2Heart
  • I Feel You Are the One

I have three more songs to write to complete the album.
My brakes went bad on the car I bought two months ago. Expected something like that. The engine and transmission are still humming so far. Still can't use the card – my only source of funds offline. But every once in a while, they let me use it online. I've been documenting for years, it's all about these reptiles controlling and micromanaging your life. With me, it's a particular obsession.

I ordered the things I needed online at AutoZone. They let it go through, but I didn't check to see if I had a jack or a four-way wrench. I had neither in the car. So I tried to get these two things from AutoZone. Declined. So I tried Advance Auto. Declined. I don't know why they declined. I only spent a hundred dollars and I have plenty in the account. So I tried Ace Hardware to get the jack and wrench. Declined. This is what I mean about them causing people to open themselves up to be defrauded by trying to get what they need. The more you give your info out trying to buy things, the more the chance for fraud. There's no reason for Direct Express to allow me to shop one day then decline everything the next day. They put people's lives in peril and danger with this B.S. I took a chance riding on faulty brakes to get to the store. I could wait in the parking lot to get the jack. Instead, I'm going to have to go back to my spot and then wait until the next day to see if they will  let me access my money. My money. My Social Security. I'm going to get off it even though I earned it, but as long as they keep you scrabbling around for the simple basics, you can't make any moves. They do this to all the poor. You don't get any peace to put your mind to anything but trying to survive the next crisis they put you through.

One positive thing happened today. I'm not going to say what it is because they are going to shut it down. In fact, they have already made moves by phishing me, telling me I changed something in info with the method I used. I didn't change anything. So I don't know if that avenue is still open for the next time I need it."

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I'm on SS and I can't buy anything with my money except food once in a while. I can buy anything that unneccessarily takes large amounts of money with no problem because the point is to just deplete your funds. This month alone, I've spent over 400 dollars unneccessarily simply because I couldn't get gas for my car. I've been able to get gas lately, but I can't buy clothes, underwear, hygiene products. Can't even wash what I have because I have no cash and can't get it off the card.

I broke my phone, and tried to get a new one from Total Wireless. My card is already with them because I'm on one of their plans. Yet they declined my purchase so odds are, I'll lose my phone service. I tried to buy necessities with Temu. I've already used them before with the same card and they denied it. For my business I tried twice to buy a ten dollar online subscription to programs and was declined. Plenty of money on the account. 

I simply cannot live because these reptiles are masturbating over playing games in my life like some kind of Truman show or squid games. This is what this is. They just want to micro-manage every single thing you try to do in your life. 

People can believe it or not, but these fags owe me almost a billion dollars for all the felonies they've committed against me under the color of law...from the military forcing me to take that jab in 2009, that put me at death's door with cance,;and running war games on me for 6 months; to all the false arrests, to all the obstructions to me getting into a court room to present my claims.

I can get off the Social Security just by going back to self employment, since I now have a vehicle and (if I can access it) money to buy tools.

But they are hell bent and determined to oppressed people like me to dust.

But the fags can't do it. All they can do is obstruct. Slowly. but surely, I'm going to get my freedom. Unless they kill me, believe this.

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