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Jan 13
These last couple of weeks I've have been going through some of the most intense stalking ever with these fag cops and their minions. They follow me everywhere and are more blatant with it than they ever was. They have this one Negro  Mall cop(it was a white fag before) sitting at the mall waiting on me to move all day. Even when I'm parked he's circling around me with his blue lights flashing. When I move he make a beeline behind me. The white cop would only flash the yellow lights. This is a Mall. He's not going into the street or stopping anybody. Then they have these private security guards(black females, the last one with an African accent. Yall get what they doing here? Yall understand why?) in uniform--but in private vehicles, telling me I can't park in a store parking lot during open hours. 

I knew when Trump got into office they were going to open up on me. But all these fags can go to hell. They sent that swat team at me right before or after Trump got into office. I can't remember for exactly sure right now. 

In this Mall, which is huge, over a hundred cars stay in the lots 24/7. Nobody is bothered. I've been over here going on two months. Best spot for me to stay until I get my license in hand. That appointment ain't until Feb 18. That's right, a day after the temp one expires. At first the DPS site wouldn't allow me to choose but one Branch. Where they wanted me to go. I guess they are ready to set up for me everywhere now, because I was able to choose a Branch with a shorter wait time. I already handled this thing, but the place I had accepting my mail, stopped answering the phone for some reason. I have to change my address to get the plastic. That's all. Yet you can't do it online,. You have to go in there so they can treat you like Lex Luther.

I know they are going to be setting up for me just like they did the last time, and they did when I was arrested in the Social Security office. The beefed up security, the argumentive disrespect---all that. I have no intentions of falling for it, though, man, going into these government buildings is like going into a vortex, nothing but clowns and demons in these places. Just like the courts. You might as well be going into's satan's living room, trying to do something they they don't want you to do, or get something they don't want you to have---namely justice. 

I got pissed today at that Mall cop following me in a corner, and then turning around. Satting there all day waiting for me to move to go in the store to use the bathroom. I gave the fag the finger. Shouldn't have done it but these "people" never, ever, ever, stop passive aggressively attacking you. You put up with a lot. A lot. They try to get you in accidents. Whenever you park without something in front of you(I don't anymore). They sit there and high beam you sometimes more than an hour.) You can't sit in peace in the Library, shop in peace in a store. They use all these city workers against you, even Metro. Some of these fags got flashing blue Lights on their cars like cops, and they flashing them in a Mall parking lot. No matter where you go...the other day I had to change my car tire. I pulled into this abandoned lot. Almost before I got out of the car an eight-teen wheeler pulled in there and just sat there. I took my time because I knew odds were the guy was on some Kind of schedule. He finally left. I can tell y'all stories about these 18 wheelers, and I ain't talking about all the serial killing some of them do. I'm talking about how two of them would box you in for miles, for no reason. How when you are a targeted they always have to rev up the engine at you.

 Back to the subject of this post:
The white cop was on me but he was low-key, but this other dude, they assigned that fag to just be wide open, just like they did with that homeland security cop, at the store I would sit outside to charge my laptop and at the Kroger. I'm still in the same area and I have not seen anybody patrolling that Lot since I was banned from going in the Kroger.
They disabled and restricted my SS card so I would be forced to order a  new one. I didn't want to do it because I knew I'd end up in a worse situation. But it got to the point where I couldn't use the card to even buy clothes or hygiene products, or anything I tried to get except food when they decided to let me buy it. Then, only online where they never got the order right. I was just spinning my wheels because they just wouldn't let me get momentum. So I ordered a new card. Paid 13 dollars to have it expeditaed. Of course when you order a new card, they close your pld card before you can get the new one activated.

They won't activate the thing. They give you a number to call and then don't answer the phone. If you wait all day, they will finally answer because if not they will have explaining to do. But what they do then, is pretend they don't hear you and hang up. This is because that number they give your for your card is red flagged by the government,just like you get blackballed from getting employment. Before the card(your funds) was restricted for no reason, you could sometimes get food online. Now you get nothing, can't pay your bills, keep your car insurance, can't even eat now, nothing, ,because they won't activate the shiny new card.
I finally got my SS card activated after going all over the web, posting on Justice service sites. None of them got back to me, but I was on Facebook sites and contacting everyone. I've been able to use the card the way I want to so far. They are still trying to micromanage and make things a hassle for no reason. I ordered a battery from Pep Boys online. The transaction was approved. I was sent a confirmation email and the whole nine yards. When I go to pick up the battery, the guy tells me he wasn't going to release it because it wasn't paid for. Of course, he couldn't do it in any humanly decent way, because the whole thing is just part of the endless attacks on you. My confirmation email meant nothing. Even if there was a glitch, he knew it wouldn't have been on my part, but still, the fag had to be an asshole. Found out Direct Express halted the transaction after approving it for no reason. The whole thing is to get you to argue and take you out of your spirit. They just can't leave your money alone.

Also, today tried to get a cell phone service I paid for on a new phone after the one I had the service on broke. I bought an unlocked android. They told me that all I needed to do was buy a total wireless sim. I bought the sim and am told the phone is  not compatible. They are quick to offer me my money back but don't think they didn't know, that account was closed. I got the new SS card and they closed the old one. So Total wireless get to keep my money because they won't send it to the new card.

This BLU g33 phone is unlocked and compatible to the network Verizon uses. If I put the old sim in the phone, it recognizes it. I've attached some screen captures iof my chat conversation with total Verizon:

Yall look it up; this phone is compatible with the Verizon Network. This is just another example of that poor tax. How the poor get ripped off every way they turn when they need to pay for a service. I don't care what it is. In my case they are determined every month to take all they can. I lose at least 300 dollars every month. Vendors charging you for no provided service, or Direct Express forcing you to pay hundreds for services you don't need by playing with your funds on that card. I'm getting off the card if I can get enough money off it first to live for a while with them blocking the rest. That's what they do--block your access when you try to transfer to another bank or report a fraud charge. So I don't report them. Anybody think I'm capping, just look up "Direct Express" complaints and reviews on the web. This goes for the same people who think people like me are lying or crazy when we say the government targets you and the whole empire moves on you from the librarian to the garbage man. It's that hive-mind, what the Bible call Legion. But you can't tell those kinds of truth even though 4 billion people believe the docs come from the mouth of God "himself"

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I got the new card. Went through the whole verification process, the hours and days waiting for someone to pick up the phone, the hang ups. And they are still micromanaging my money--deciding what I can or can't buy. They deny everything I try to buy to progress my business. Tried to get a $6.00  subscription today for a program to make videos for the music. And they declined the payment. I'm trying to get off  this SS, and any and everything that reptile fag government want to control me with and they just are not going to let me do it. The only way I can do it is through my art because I've been blackballed for employment for over 20 years. And they are just watching, monitoring and obstructing me like their lives depend on it. Always with the beefed up security everywhere I go. I simply do not understand it. I have absolutely no power. If I did, I have absolutely no intentions of doing anything to the fags. People have this world the way they want it. I just feel devastated for the children, but this whole empire will come at you if they think you are some kind of threat to their child murder and sacrifices even if it's just talking about it in art.
I have not posted videos yet because they need to be compressed, and I have not the time to do it. 

I've been in Houston about a year, and I've said repeatedly on video that, compared to everywhere else I've been, the Houston police were very low-key with the stalking. I'm talking about the black and whites. The private security guards and Homeland Security, the SUVs, and the fags in the gold marked cars never let up. Since I've got my car, the fags in the black and white cars have been stalking me almost every day, all over town. I spend most of my time on a mall parking lot, but that doesn't stop anything. I have not made a peep, yet the fags are sitting around me and coming at me like I'm public enemy number one. Day and night, I've got everything coming at me. My license should come soon. I don't know where to go. I do know it won't matter where you go. They deprive me of all my rights—constitutional, human, God-given—with impunity, and there is nothing you can do about it. When I filed that pro se lawsuit in Toledo, Ohio, I asked the court to consider the premeditated nature of what these fags are doing. They are literally trying to bully, terrorize, and stalk people to death. You know what they did? Obstruct me from even getting into a courtroom, and just continued all they were doing ten-fold. They get away with it because this comes from the top. Not just the empire, but the head fag in the spiritual realm. They are going to destroy you because they are relentless, and you are just flesh and blood. But you don't have to fear or grovel to these monsters in the process, and I don't. They've been terrorizing me and trying to adjust my attitude for almost twenty years. But I've made my peace a long time ago. Justice for the people of this earth—especially the little ones.
I've written in this thread how these fags always want to take from their victims. I don't care if it's as worthless as something like a cigarette lighter. It's ritual. You are a human sacrifice that just hasn't died yet. The purpose of human sacrifice is to steal, kill, and destroy the target. 

I'm on SS, and I haven't gone a single month without losing some of that little money I get. I told y'all in this thread how they do it. They got a hundred ways to do it. For the first time, I used almost all the money in my account, mostly because of the car. I got down to $26.00 this month. I got my I.D., so they know that I'm going to take everything out after the next drop. So what they do is reverse a charge from over a month ago so I would have a negative balance of about $30.

 I bought a phone from Best Buy. I got charged for a locked phone. I ordered an unlocked phone. So I had Best Buy cancel that order and refund the money, which they did. And Direct Express also took the charge off. A month later, they reverse that take-off and reinstate the charge, even though I bought the phone I wanted. So, in effect, I pay twice for the one phone, and in the process, the account is overdrawn. The thing is, I can dispute it and win, but that's what they want you to do: call them so they can start some process so they can f up access to your funds for who knows how long while they "investigate." You learn it's not worth disputing that kind of thing. So they get away with simply robbing you.

And almost all these companies do this kind of thing: just simply snatch and grab from people at every opportunity. Y'all know how much stealing as little as ten dollars from thousands and millions of people adds up to every month? I call it the poor tax, because they don't do this to well-off people. 

I had a phone service with a company called Total Wireless. I had just paid the account for the month, about $40. Because I got my credit card renewed and couldn't use the old one, they decided I couldn't get a refund, even though I bought their SIM card as they told me to put in my new phone—an unlocked phone that supposedly worked with their architecture. They wouldn't activate it, even though the phone recognized the original SIM I had. All they had to do was punch it in. Wouldn't do it and wouldn't give me my money back.
Y'all have to know that when you get put on that list, all these companies have your name flagged. Not just the companies, everything in the empire.
(03-07-2025, 02:13 AM)mardukson Wrote: I've written in this thread how these fags always want to take from their victims. I don't care if it's as worthless as something like a cigarette lighter. It's ritual. You are a human sacrifice that just hasn't died yet. The purpose of human sacrifice is to steal, kill, and destroy the target. 

I'm on SS, and I haven't gone a single month without losing some of that little money I get. I told y'all in this thread how they do it. They got a hundred ways to do it. For the first time, I used almost all the money in my account, mostly because of the car. I got down to $26.00 this month. I got my I.D., so they know that I'm going to take everything out after the next drop. So what they do is reverse a charge from over a month ago so I would have a negative balance of about $30.

 I bought a phone from Best Buy. I got charged for a locked phone. I ordered an unlocked phone. So I had Best Buy cancel that order and refund the money, which they did. And Direct Express also took the charge off. A month later, they reverse that take-off and reinstate the charge, even though I bought the phone I wanted. So, in effect, I pay twice for the one phone, and in the process, the account is overdrawn. The thing is, I can dispute it and win, but that's what they want you to do: call them so they can start some process so they can f up access to your funds for who knows how long while they "investigate." You learn it's not worth disputing that kind of thing. So they get away with simply robbing you.

And almost all these companies do this kind of thing: just simply snatch and grab from people at every opportunity. Y'all know how much stealing as little as ten dollars from thousands and millions of people adds up to every month? I call it the poor tax, because they don't do this to well-off people. 

I had a phone service with a company called Total Wireless. I had just paid the account for the month, about $40. Because I got my credit card renewed and couldn't use the old one, they decided I couldn't get a refund, even though I bought their SIM card as they told me to put in my new phone—an unlocked phone that supposedly worked with their architecture. They wouldn't activate it, even though the phone recognized the original SIM I had. All they had to do was punch it in. Wouldn't do it and wouldn't give me my money back.
Y'all have to know that when you get put on that list, all these companies have your name flagged. Not just the companies, everything in the empire.
I got my driver's license today. I also got a letter from direct express saying they restricted my card...again. I just got the card. I haven't used it in weeks. In the post above I told y'all what they did. They wanted me to call them. I didn't and they started a "fraud investigation" anyway. So I'm right back where I was--unable to use my money for anything I want to do. I got my DL so I should be able to go to a bank or something and withdraw funds, but that's no given. There are no laws, rules or boundaries when it comes to the crimes, injustices, and  ops, run on Targeted Individuals. The military, police and the alphabets are running this. So what you gonna do...sue? Been there tried that. But the courts are the biggest part of the satanic empire. The only activity on that card was them reversing a legitimate cancelling of a payment for a cell phone after a month. They use that as an excuse to restrict the card, saying they tried to call me. Any Idea y'all why they couldn't call me at that number? Read the above post about what Total wireless did. Yall think there is some institution that's independent from the empire in this day and age? You are red flagged in every crook and cranny, and these fags are going the be obsessively scheming to hurt or obstruct. And it never stops. The U.S. military made it clear, it considers me an enemy. An enemy just because I guess. I mentioned what really happened in Jonestown in a book I wrote. But that's probably not the main reason because I didn't say what an extremely brave Researcher, wrote happened. Because you have to have firsthand knowledge of that kind of ridiculous evil, to speak in detail. I knew what this government is from way back, and I cared enough to dig to find out what really happened in Jonestown. You probably will never find that book on the web now.

You can write about it all you want what these people do. Its not just the top of the empire, all these satanic, hivemiinded fags, figh to pow, rich and poor, have free riegn to stalk and murder citizens without reason or cause. You can go on National t.v. They don't even change stride, just keep on like a bulldog; breaking the law every single day. Committing treason every day.

Anyway Yall. I'm attaching the letter I got. Yall can peep it if you want

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