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Went to get driver's lisc...
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Trying to get a drivers l...
Forum: documents
Last Post: mardukson
01-14-2025, 06:44 PM
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  Went to get driver's liscence today
Posted by: mardukson - 01-14-2025, 11:01 PM - Forum: documents - Replies (3)

I went to get my driver's license today. A new driver's license fee in Texas is $33 which I already paid. I got there and they wanted to charge me $11. Of course, they knew I didn't have any money on me. As a result, I couldn't get the license and had to reschedule. I also had to show all the paperwork again and fill out the form again that I had already filled out to be eligible for a license in the first place. I looked it up on the DPS website, and an $11 fee is for replacing or renewing a license, not getting a first-time license, which costs $33.
Another example of how these hive-minded demons move. Another example of how they care nothing about the law and any kind of complaint you might file because this comes from the top.

Y'all look it up on the web or ask AI how much a new license costs in Texas. Look on their website.

And again, I want to point out how they beef up the security everywhere I go just as another tactic. Then the fat, sloppy woman who waited on me looked back at a coworker with that... y'all know how people do when they are bullying and trying to run psych games on somebody like school kids. The only reason I point this out—because I don't care about none of that—is to show how a whole town will be on a T.I. and no matter where you go they all are trying to take a shot at you to tear down your self-esteem.
I know real T.I.s know exactly what I'm talking about.

They want to feel superior in their unity against one person, but they can't write no books. I've written four of them, and the way I was rolling would have had at least 10 more if I didn't have an empire on me 24/7.
They can't write no song. I've written hundreds of them. They can't build no house or hospital or school. I've worked on dozens of them. They can't weld no trucks. In other words, I've contributed to this society, and all they've ever done is fit in a uniform or sat on their asses at a desk getting fat like blobs.

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  Trying to get a drivers liscence
Posted by: mardukson - 01-14-2025, 06:44 PM - Forum: documents - No Replies

When George W. Bush, after 9/11, said he was starting a preemptive war, they all tried to pretend he was talking about "terrorists."
That was over 20 years ago, and there hasn't been a major terrorist act since, but the war rages on as intensely as ever against those he was really talking about. They have made this country a true hell for certain poor people—especially Targeted Individuals. What the poor and homeless go through in this country just to be able to do the simplest things to stay within the law and improve their situation is pure evil.

All because you don't have a picture ID. And they make it all but impossible to get one. All this is not because they don't know who you are and every single thing about your life, but because the goal is to keep you vulnerable to every kind of injustice and atrocity until you meet an early death. All the while, they are trying to set you up at every step.
When I bought my car, the dealer insisted I could drive it before I got insurance and a driver's license. The police aren't checking for that—except for people like me. So I spent a lot of money having the car towed to a storage space until I got the paperwork together. I spent a lot of money on one of those pay-as-you-go insurance companies until Geico finally insured the car. Nobody else would insure the car because I didn't have a driver's license.

Trying to get a driver's license while experiencing homelessness is insane because of that perceived "war on terror." I'm old enough to remember when all you needed was a birth certificate and Social Security card. Now, if you're homeless, you can't get a driver's license unless you can prove you have a residence or paperwork to prove you've been living as if you have a residence. In other words, the people who need ID the most can't get it. I got it because I had a mail service that was receiving my mail. I can't do it now because suddenly the service won't answer the phone, and they (at least FedEx) won't deliver the mail.

They constantly claim there is ample help available for the homeless. In almost 20 years, I've never had shelters and organizations help with a single thing.
I've been calling shelters all over Houston. All I'm asking for is one-time assistance receiving mail. I've already been vetted by Social Security to receive benefits and by the Texas DMV to get a license. All I need is an address to get on with my life. None of the shelters will do even that because they claim I need a picture ID. They know that when you are out of state and get a driver's license, the DMV takes your previous picture ID. They give you a receipt to serve as a license until yours arrives in the mail, but that is not enough for a single shelter to let you use an address, even though they receive donations claiming they help people.

I spent three years in Toledo, Ohio, and I went everywhere from the Salvation Army to social services and couldn't get an ID in three years. I understand that, as a Targeted Individual (T.I.), my situation is unique. You have whole towns disliking you and knowing who you are, and on top of that, the government is interfering in everything you try to do. The effort to stop you from the smallest bit of progress is overwhelming, but they never stop trying to slander you with a mental health label. They are not going to help me with that address, so I don't know how I get the physical license unless it's delivered to the mail service.

I'm going to post an attachment of a site I was sent to by the Salvation Army. Remember, all I asked for was the use of an address because they claimed they provide that for people. Instead, I was sent to a site run by the police talking about mental health, regarding the use of a one-time address to get a license so I can be legal and responsible. It's astonishing how upside down this world is. You have all these people who literally obsessively use the power of the state to destroy innocent, vulnerable people they don't know, trying to label their victims when these people survive for years and decades what 99 percent of the people of this country couldn't endure for a month before they would consider suicide, go on killing rampages, or end up in a mental institution.

The reason referring to that site is diabolical mockery is because they know what their police do to targeted people, and they try to attach the mental health stigma to you because it's a main part of their strategy.
Since I've had that car, the perceived harassment has intensified.
What makes things so hard is they watch and monitor you so closely there's nothing you can do that they can't use against you.
I bought that car and was lied to and gaslighted at every step about everything by the dealers.

I took the road test for my driver's license, and from the moment I stepped in the door, the examiner was condescending to me, even though I was supporting his business and livelihood. He had never met me before but just tried to disrespect and demean me every way he could for no reason. One example: he made a big deal about me listening and following his instructions. He told me to parallel park. Didn't say "reverse parallel park," just "parallel park," as if there's only one way to parallel park. The way he had the cones set up, it seemed he wanted me to park close to the curb. I did, and then he almost failed me on the one thing he could because I didn't reverse park. I can reverse parallel park just like everybody else who's been driving over 30 years. He did a few things to try to trip me up, but I can drive. I suspect the police were behind it because when I left the building, they pulled into the lot, and this was an out-of-the-way area. This is what they do to let you know.
At the same time they took my picture ID, they disabled the chip and strip on my Social Security card, so I can't get cash from it. Then they restricted my card so I couldn't buy gas by any means for the car. Then finally they blocked it altogether so I couldn't buy food or anything. There was no reason for them to tamper with the card, but they never miss an opportunity because they know every single time you're in a position to be hurt or blocked.
The simplest things you try to do as a T.I. become a mountain to climb.

I don't ask for anything from these systems, just what they require you to do to be legal and less of a target. But they always want you in a position where they can strip you of your rights every minute of every day with impunity.

Image if you are not on fixed income, which by the way is money you earned, your bank deciding anytime they want to block your from youm funds. . You cant eat. You can't drive your car, pay your rent, buy your medication, feed your kids. And if you try to transfer your funds somewhere else you either can't do it or is punished in some way that you can't afford. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. That war against the poor is not just evil, it's full of hatred. 

Look at the attachment. I guarantee you are not going to find a single person they helped. That's not what that site is there for.

Update: I was given  a reciept with my picture on it. I don't know what I did with it but I'm so disorganized right now and under so much harrassment; my memory was never sharp in the first place even when I was a kid. If I hadn't lost that paper the shelters would have given me address to use. Still, I thought they were supposed to help people who didn't have what they needed. With that picture ID, I wouldn't have needed a shelter address in the first place. I'm going to leave this post up because so much happens to a T.I. we are going to jump to conclusions or misinterpreted things sometimes. I'm going to keep it 100 with y'all in all things. When I'm wrong about somebody or some thing I'm not going to disregard or hide it. Besides my hyperbolics and speculations about things unprovable, what I claim happens to me as a T.I. is going to come with the receipts.

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  Jan 13
Posted by: mardukson - 01-14-2025, 02:02 AM - Forum: documents - Replies (13)

Today, they blocked me from using my Social Security funds. I have over a thousand dollars in that account, and tonight I'm sitting here with no food. They disabled the chip so I couldn't use the card at an ATM or grocery store, but I could still buy food and things online. Then, today, they not only blocked online purchases but also stores like H-E-B, where I had already been using the card online, suddenly wouldn't take my card. They declined my card everywhere.

When they first restricted the card, it was because they didn't want me to buy gas. I could buy all the food and anything I wanted online but not gas.
They refused to let me buy gas by any means. They declined Google Pay, PayPal, all the major gas cards, and Google Wallet. I couldn't even buy a gift card online or offline because I could have used it to get gas. They didn't want me to have gas in my car because it apparently bothered them that I got a car, which was a major improvement from walking everywhere and riding buses where they could harass me every day. In fact, the metro system is so messed up that I escaped their harassment. They stalk me everywhere I go in those blue and red cars, just like the police. I could be nowhere near a metro station, and no matter what side of town I'm on, they show up. They were doing sstuff on them buses I'm not going to talk about because you got to be one hundred with the proof even though I know what they did. I've made videos about some of that I will post soon.

I somehow managed to get lucky and buy a Shell e-gift card. I couldn't do it now, but when I was still allowed to buy things online, I found a loophole. I spent half of what I had on the card, and when I went back to use the remaining balance, the card wouldn't work. So, I ran out of gas. The reason I ran out is because I went to two different Shell stations listed on the Shell website, and there was no Shell station at either address. Believe it or not, they track you in real-time when you're on the web. I've been phished with fake sites many times, just so they can hurt or obstruct me. They don't want me to have gas in my car for the same reason they spent literally three years in Toledo, Ohio, trying to starve and freeze me to death. The cops would literally stake out the trash dumpster, which is how I ate and survived. The federal agents had those store managers guard the dumpster in a five-mile radius like it was gold. Managers would come out and attack you, and then they would all put locks on the dumpsters. I mainly survived on Little Caesars pizza and food from Save a Lot. The only stores that would let me dumpster dive were those two. I've lost a lot of videos, but I still have a lot documented about this stuff, which goes back years.

They didn't want me to have gas in the car because I could get some warmth and be able to move around, which makes it harder for them to set me up.
When I went to that second Shell station listed on their site, I was practically out of gas. Luckily, I was parked in front of a Black man's house. I asked him about the Shell station and told him my phone's GPS said I was there. He told me I had the right address, but the Shell station was only in the planning stages. They were going to build one someday. The first address they had listed was at a cell phone store - no Shell station in sight. The Black man generously gave me ten dollars, and I was able to get gas at an Exxon up the road. That's how I escaped that trap.
I also managed to get the rest of my money off the Shell card so I can keep my appointment to get my driver's license tomorrow.
I'm still going to end up running out of gas and food because it's going to take a while for the driver's license to come in the mail.

These are the latest events in my life as a Targeted Individual.
I'm going to document the hell I've been through for almost 20 years, starting with the most recent events. This means there will be posts before this one and posts going back in time.

I'm going to attached some kind of receipt to everything I post... be it docs or video. I've attached a screenshot to show what I got in the account and I cant touch it to buy a bag of potato chips. 
But you don't have to be a T.I. for the Satanic Empire to do this kind of thing to; just poor and voiceless.

I want Yall to Google "Direct Express complaints and reviews". They are literally murdering our most vulernable with the same cruelty they do our children and unborn

Read those stories and remember theses are the Elderly, the disabled, the poorest. Their income is supposed to be 100 percent dependable and unf--ked with.

What that institution does with people's funds is done with impunity, glee and full knowledge of the government. 


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