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Jan 13
These last couple of weeks I've have been going through some of the most intense stalking ever with these fag cops and their minions. They follow me everywhere and are more blatant with it than they ever was. They have this one Negro  Mall cop(it was a white fag before) sitting at the mall waiting on me to move all day. Even when I'm parked he's circling around me with his blue lights flashing. When I move he make a beeline behind me. The white cop would only flash the yellow lights. This is a Mall. He's not going into the street or stopping anybody. Then they have these private security guards(black females, the last one with an African accent. Yall get what they doing here? Yall understand why?) in uniform--but in private vehicles, telling me I can't park in a store parking lot during open hours. 

I knew when Trump got into office they were going to open up on me. But all these fags can go to hell. They sent that swat team at me right before or after Trump got into office. I can't remember for exactly sure right now. 

In this Mall, which is huge, over a hundred cars stay in the lots 24/7. Nobody is bothered. I've been over here going on two months. Best spot for me to stay until I get my license in hand. That appointment ain't until Feb 18. That's right, a day after the temp one expires. At first the DPS site wouldn't allow me to choose but one Branch. Where they wanted me to go. I guess they are ready to set up for me everywhere now, because I was able to choose a Branch with a shorter wait time. I already handled this thing, but the place I had accepting my mail, stopped answering the phone for some reason. I have to change my address to get the plastic. That's all. Yet you can't do it online,. You have to go in there so they can treat you like Lex Luther.

I know they are going to be setting up for me just like they did the last time, and they did when I was arrested in the Social Security office. The beefed up security, the argumentive disrespect---all that. I have no intentions of falling for it, though, man, going into these government buildings is like going into a vortex, nothing but clowns and demons in these places. Just like the courts. You might as well be going into's satan's living room, trying to do something they they don't want you to do, or get something they don't want you to have---namely justice. 

I got pissed today at that Mall cop following me in a corner, and then turning around. Satting there all day waiting for me to move to go in the store to use the bathroom. I gave the fag the finger. Shouldn't have done it but these "people" never, ever, ever, stop passive aggressively attacking you. You put up with a lot. A lot. They try to get you in accidents. Whenever you park without something in front of you(I don't anymore). They sit there and high beam you sometimes more than an hour.) You can't sit in peace in the Library, shop in peace in a store. They use all these city workers against you, even Metro. Some of these fags got flashing blue Lights on their cars like cops, and they flashing them in a Mall parking lot. No matter where you go...the other day I had to change my car tire. I pulled into this abandoned lot. Almost before I got out of the car an eight-teen wheeler pulled in there and just sat there. I took my time because I knew odds were the guy was on some Kind of schedule. He finally left. I can tell y'all stories about these 18 wheelers, and I ain't talking about all the serial killing some of them do. I'm talking about how two of them would box you in for miles, for no reason. How when you are a targeted they always have to rev up the engine at you.

 Back to the subject of this post:
The white cop was on me but he was low-key, but this other dude, they assigned that fag to just be wide open, just like they did with that homeland security cop, at the store I would sit outside to charge my laptop and at the Kroger. I'm still in the same area and I have not seen anybody patrolling that Lot since I was banned from going in the Kroger.

Messages In This Thread
Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-14-2025, 02:02 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-18-2025, 03:57 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-21-2025, 01:15 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-27-2025, 09:46 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-27-2025, 10:01 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-27-2025, 10:32 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 01-28-2025, 10:27 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-02-2025, 12:11 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-02-2025, 12:15 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-03-2025, 06:21 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-05-2025, 05:24 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-13-2025, 05:15 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-16-2025, 05:26 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 02-17-2025, 03:28 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 03-07-2025, 01:40 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - 03-07-2025, 02:13 AM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - Yesterday, 03:40 PM
RE: Jan 13 - by mardukson - Yesterday, 04:08 PM

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